Ecological Concepts & Scenarios for Mechanistic Effect Modelling
to be held at the
31 Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC),
3-6 May 2021 Virtual Conference
Pollution and the related toxicity is one of ecological modelling’s chief concerns, and crucial for ecological scenario development in chemical risk assessment and management. We have collaborated with industry and regulators to organize the special session at the 2021 meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). The session aims to present current state of the art in ecotoxicology up to landscape-level studies, and discuss ideas on how to incorporate the right level of conservatism in ecological scenarios and risk assessment. The session also aims at strengthening the ecological aspect of effect modelling by knitting closer ties with ISEM and to reach out to ecological modellers that have not yet been exposed to the field of ecotoxicology and stress ecology.
The conference is in an on-line format with on-demand lectures and organized discussion sessions. In addition to the special session there are guaranteed to be relevant talks throughout the conference. SETAC is extending early bird registration prices through the conference.
More about the special session:
The conference: